Friday, January 30, 2004

Lessons from one of the worst days of my life:

1) don't put the cigarettes in the shallow pocket of the coat, but if you hold the coat upside down, don't do that in dance class. you might lose the cigarettes, and dance class is the worst place to blow your cover as a smoker.
2) if you lose your temper, wait until Jesus has left the topic of discussion, even if you are right.
3) Don't tell Nora that Jesus was a good moral guy but not the Son of God if you don't want her to blow her steam, and don't tell her that right after the director of her play calls her and snaps at her and demands that she come to a rehearsal 2 hours earlier than scheduled. On the same note, don't ask questions about Jesus to someone, if you're director has just pissed you off.
4) When you're filming a sitcom that only has one joke, make sure to really punch that one joke, so help you Janet Maylie.
5) Smoking more than you eat is a fine way to kill yourself. Really think about how valuable your life is before you pick up that habit. It's one thing to smoke, another to make that 90% of the "nutrients" that enter your body.
6) Don't look to people learn about Jesus. Either pray to Him, or read the Bible. If you don't believe that the people who wrote the Bible are trustworthy, ask Jesus to show you Himself. Don't look to people to see Jesus. Especially me.
7) Learn your lines for the show that goes up a week from today, and learn them well, or you'll waste the rest of the cast's time and make them stay at rehearsal 15 mins longer than they planned, and you won't get through the run through of Act 2.
8) If U2's next album is as remotely spirtually nurishing as their last one, Nora will be spiritually well-fed.
9) Don't you ever let nobody drag your spirit down. Remember you walkin' up to heaven, don't let nobody turn you around.

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