Saturday, December 02, 2006

i also miss my waterbee
i miss
dive bars that don't have prostitutes in them
redskinned mashed potatoes
having a kitchen
upstairs at the ant
jukeboxes that have songs in english. good songs, i mean.
meals that don't involve rice or noodles

i don't miss
cleaning the sink and around the sink
boxed macaroni and cheese
the post-audition waiting period
Janis Joplin covered St. James Infirmary. I guess that was to be expected. Oh well, it probably won't be the last song she covered that I will cover later.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Back to this Blog

After some consideration, I decided that I miss my outlet for thoughts that I'd like to broadcast that aren't really intended for the general audience. I like my Bangkok blog, but sometimes I just want to be random and I am tired of hitting the "Publish" button wondering how that thought will go over... So I'm going to add to this one occasionally, for those find that they still check it. I guess it's going to be esoteric now and I won't be expecting comments.

Here's what I've been thinking about. I'm tired of feeling that there is restrictions on what I can say about my faith in my writing. Who am I writing for, I wonder? Are there enough people like me out there who will care about what I have to say about Jesus? About injustice? These thoughts are kind of discouraging to me. Maybe I shouldn't have so much of an agenda. In my latest story I wrote about working at a dying department store at christmastime. I tried to just write about my coworker, but I knew all sorts of things would come out. She was obsessed with racism, so that's in there. I can't write about her and not have her obsessed with it. Also, the people around her were obsessed with Jesus. Anyway, I don't want to have all these hidden agendas but I guess I agree with Natalie Goldberg, that all art is political. It's just unavoidable.

Maybe the same people who don't mind Bono might want to read my stuff one day... Because I think we have the same agendas.

Okay, with that aside, I have been listening to satellite radio online and been writing down some musicians that have really caught my ear:
--The HOLMES BROTHERS have a new album, Simple Truths. Actually, it's not new, I just don't have it yet.
--I think I would like to own THE BEST OF GEORGE HARRISON
--There is a guy with a great blues voice, named JC BURRIS. His album was called Blues Professor. I remember liking the guitar on there.
--I heard a guy named DAVID FORD today who was singing along with Kim Taylor. He was edgy and truth-seeking. I liked his voice a lot. He's from England and he swears a lot.
--Another blues guy, WARNER WILLIAMS was good too. His album was called Blues Highway.

I wrote those down so I can hunt them when I get back in town... I had an amazon fiasco lately so I know better than to order it from Bangkok...

I really miss music. Live music. My favorite is the blues, as you can see. I wish I could just listen to music and not feel like I have to reach for my guitar. I guess I miss playing for people. The Thais have a cool picking style. Maybe I can pick that up. Ha.

I think the next song I'd like to learn on the guitar is St. James Infirmary because it's about time a woman sang it and it always blows my mind. Joel brought it to my attention via the Gypsy Strings. Maybe I'd like to learn a bunch of standards to throw into my mix. Viva la Tradition.