Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Renewing the Mind

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
~Paul (Letter to the Romans, Chapter 12, verse 2)

I've been thinking about this verse a lot lately. In my search for my future (that's what I think I'll call my scraping around for direction) this seems to me the only answer that gives me peace. My thoughts are slowing me down, causing me to waste time by complaining and having regret about things that just can't be helped at this point. My mind needs transformation.

This thought is one of the many rivers that flows into the ocean of following Jesus. Another important one is listening to his voice. But to listen we need to seek Him. We seek Him by calling out to Him. To hear Him we need to stay near Him. We stay near Him by obeying His Word.

Jesus promises us that if we seek His kingdom first, everything else will figure itself out. He'll take care of what brings us anxiety if we focus on Him and put Him first. None of this is possible until we examine who we are, what we're thinking about, and ask Him for renewal.

"You are my peace of mind, that old me is left behind"
~Lauryn Hill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sista.

Great reminder.
