Monday, May 31, 2004

Wild Obnoxious Behavior

put a theater major and a voice major together and you will get annoyance at high decibals.

I've been hanging around Ian Trevethan lately, and let me just say that my behavior level has gone down three notches. Ian's really into Miss McNeely stories lately, especially the ones about Beowulf, and so he likes to scream BEOwulf! at the top of his lungs at work when there are no customer's around. Hilarious, people--funnier than Hugo and his cucumbers. Anyway, so after work, at 1am, we rode around Ann Arbor and screamed at people from his car windows. What did we scream? "Hey, Grendel!" "Beowulf!" "Ecgetheow!" "Beaver!"

Pioneer HS had just gotten out of their prom, so we also yelled "Prom!"

Obviously, the reactions from these people are the best part of acting a fool. Some people would just give us looks, like, "did you say something to me?" But sometimes people, almost always males, would scream back something like "yeah!!" thinking we had said something like "Go Blue!" But no. We were saying "Grendel!"

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