Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vocabulary List

Thai people use the word "shit" alot. It sounds like "sheet" when they say it. I am starting to believe they don't know that it's a curseword. It has made me start to wonder, myself, if it is a curseword.

I just invented (perhaps) this word, "curseword." I think before this post, it was two words?

The definition of "invention" should be explored. If someone has a thought that came to them on their own, is it still original? Or does the rank of "original" thought go only to those thoughts the first time they were thought of, by the first person who thought of them?

Thai for foreigner. Perhaps it is only Thai for "westerner." It was invented when the french came to Thailand, then Siam, during the Ayutthaya period. Thai people couldn't say "French." They said "Farang" instead. Farang is not just Thai for "westerner," it is Thai for everything westerners do and everything westerners are about. Blue eyes are farang eyes. Low tolerance for prik (chili peppers) is farang. I have to investigate this, but farang might never be Asian. In the world there are Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Malaysians, Thais, and Farang.

That's the name for a religious movement. The ideas behind this movement (perhaps outlined in The Velvet Elvis?) came to me one year and a half before I read that book. Reading it made me think "Oh good, I'm not the only one who thinks about this stuff this way." I read some stuff the other day on this webpage that is called something like "apprised truth" or something? Something apprised. Anyway, the guy is vehement against the ideas outlined in this emergence thing. But reading through that webpage made me appreciate the ideas outlined in the book even more. If I had to choose between seeing beauty in the world in all things or living at the dead end in a tunnel of exclusiveness, it doesn't seem like I've been given much of a choice.

It's the webage for the gay pride magazine from Detroit (or probably really from Ferndale) and I have been reading it quite regularly since I've arrived in Bangkok for Donald Calamia's theater reviews. From it, I learned about a tremendously interesting show going down at the UDM theater... Starring Arthur Beer and James Bowen. I wish I was in the D to go see it: The Sweet Trials Apparently, it's about a trial that happened in 1920's Detroit that dealt with a black man and his family who moved into a white neighborhood.

It's a heart condition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is creative! fun and different. I like it.