Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A thing like facebook can be detrimental to one who has too many acquiantances. For instance, the other day I got a request from someone named Joshua. I did not recognize this guy but I figured that I must know him from

a) middleschool?
b) high school?
c) Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat when I was like, ten?
d)Was one of the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz but he's all grown up now?
e) My section for Anthro 101?
g) What about my Modern Dance Class in 2004?
f) In a tap class with me when I was eleven?
h) In Redford Youth Theater?
i) Someone I met at the Brothers on a particularly "Zooropa" -ish day ?
g) Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in '94?
h) Mosiac Youth Theater?
i) On a soccer team with me when I was eight?
j) In the shoe dept at JC Penneys?
k) An audition?
l) From Marjorie's church youth group?
m) 5th Grade?
n) From the United Generation Council anti-drug summer job I had my soph. year of HS?
o) Dance class at James' house?
p) Michigan Opera Theater?
q) RYT when it was Tinderbox?
r) Gymnastics when I was pre-11 years?
s) One of the students I met in South Africa?
t) Someone I was particularly friendly with at a rest stop in Tennessee?
u) Applebees?
v) From InterVarsity?
w) Worked in the Animal Testing Lab with me?
x) How about the Bug Range?
y) A frequent visitor of the Jamaican Jerk Pit?
z) Preschool?

I accepted his request, as he could have been from any of those places. Then I saw that we had no mutual friends. Hm.

Days passed.

Today I got a "friend detail request." Thank Jesus! The mystery can be solved. Yep, it was Joshua.

He put that I was his "Facebook Friend."

What the hell is a facebook friend?

I don't know, Josh. You tell me.

1 comment:

detroit joel said...

i know several joshes but no joshuas... may the sun stand still!