Thursday, May 04, 2006


A poem pieced from other poems.

Neruda, Cummings and F. Wright:

Que ves con ojos ciegos?
Soy el tigre
(and God have mercy on my monster)

No one is a stranger, this whole world is your home.
Entre los heros pasero
By that bum who's everyone
Quienes son los que sufren?
No se, pero son mios
I'm leaving here, I still don't know.

Let's all be thankful as hell
In time of lilacs who proclaim
Let beauty touch a blunder
Dive for dreams
Deja el viento corra
Because you aren't afraid to kiss the dirt
(And consequently care to kiss the sky)

I shake hands with the sky
Riete de la noche.


B-Go said...

I like this!

How much is in your own words?

Good job on getting published!

Nora said...

All the espanol is my own words...

Just Kidding!

None of it is, it's all pieced from other poets.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Eric. I went to your old web page and read under the "Resurrection Blues" thing where you talked about how one of your friends and you discussed the problem with American Beauty and Fight Club, how people see them just to call themselves deep and don't actually react to the movies inside. I think that was me!

Nora said...

Hey Eric. That was you!