Friday, March 10, 2006

Adventures in Bohemian Impoverishment, Vol III

Hello. I'm at the Garretts with John, who is wandering around the room singing "I don't wanna I don't care" over and over.
He has been begging me to push a button.
So, I'll let him:

Today I am taking him to the Vitales, a place he calls "The Big House." At 7:45am he asked me if it was 10:30 so we could go. I told him he'd have to wait a while. His response? "I hate your car."

Those who know me or know the abominable (sp?) snow van I have been fated with, know how I felt about that comment. But for those of you who have no clue how I feel about the vehicle, well, yesterday on the way home from the JET it stalled out seven times in the rain and acquired a nickname that once belonged to my laptop. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, well, the other day I told my wife that my plan for the van was to drive it until I can pack up all my things and move to Chicago, unpack my things there, and then push the van off into Lake Michigan. That way I won't need the van that I currently need too much.

I miss Stanley. Now that is Bohemian Impoverishment, but I really miss Stanley Kowalski, may he rest in peace.

1 comment:

friars said...

you're right, it's not just tired funny... it's funny!

today's ee cummings:

there are possibly 2 1/2 or impossibly 3
individuals every several fat
thousand years. Expecting more would be
neither fantastic nor pathological but

dumb. The number of times a wheel turns
doesn't determine its roundness: if swallows tryst in your barn be glad; nobody ever earns
anything, everything little looks big in a mist

and if (by Him Whose Blood was for us spilled) than all mankind something more small occurs
or something more distorting than socalled civilization i'll kiss a stalinist arse

in hitler's window on wednsday next at 1
E.S.T bring the kiddies let's all have fun
