Thursday, November 10, 2005

goings on

So, we open Inherit the Wind tomorrow. There's enough people in it to have a big time musical number. It was looking good at yesterday's rehearsal. Meanwhile, I have been on the "committee" of people my age in the cast who are all writing the afterglow skit that makes fun of the production. This is a frightfully easy task.

I had election day off from rehearsal, even though we're in the middle of tech week, and saw Mr. Jeff Tweedy of Wilco-fame pour his soul out into an acoustic guitar. It was cool! Souls are neat-looking... Okay whatever. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Jeff was great. I think he played mostly stuff from Being There. He played tha "Turn your eyes to the Lord of the Skies" Woody-Guthrie-Aeroplane-song. Beautiful song. The drummer from Wilco opened for him and he was great. As my bro predicted, Jeff talked alot to us. He was a little quiet at first and then got rolling. He just seems like a nice guy. Someone yelled at him "You're fucking beautiful, man!" to which Tweedy replied something along the lines of "I always have strived to be fucking beautiful." What did he say? I think he was funnier than that... Oh well. I want to see that documentary now.

I have done another round of kid shows this week. Oh, I didn't mention that yet. I got pulled into a touring JET show called "I was Just Kidding." It's, as co-actor Eli called it, a "Morality Play" about some kids that learn to play nice instead of backstabbing each other and talking about each other. It's fun but I have had to miss church twice for it, miss some of my babysitting opportunities, etc. But I don't mind too much. We have a talk-back after with the kids, but they just aren't fun without Joel.

On Tuesday night I went to bed to see who the Mayor was. It was Freman Hendricks. When I woke up, it was Kwame A. River. Do they have these problems in Canada? They must, because Margaret Atwood is about the angriest author I know of.

Lisa had someone comment on her blog under the name of "It's 1am and I can't think but I'm commenting anyway". How random is that? And then they lectured her! I almost peed my pants. Come on now, if you are going to give your sermon, show yourself! Haha. I wonder if that person, it's definitely a gal, reads my blog.

So today we went on tour with the kids show to Holly, Michigan. And guess what folks, there were black kids there! I was pleased and delightfully surprised. Next week we're going to Cleveland. I hope to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, not that the visit would bring me any closer to Bono than I've already been. Now I'm wondering if the anon. commenter was a gal... I should stop talking about that.

I had a dream the other day that I was in Hazel's house in Kwazulu Natal and I stepped outside and Arifani was there (one of my best South Africans) and he gave me a big hug and told me I he wasn't going to let me go back to America. I woke up just then! That was so heart-wrenching.

I feel pretty shameless in this blog entry. Lets see, I sweared, I mean, swore, I ripped on someone's comment, I said "peed my pants." You may blame it on the Theater whilst I sigh.


Lisa said...

This entry is random and hilarious. You "went to bed to see who the Mayor was"! And then a pun; Nora, Steve R would be proud.

Nora said...

So, for the record again, i figured out who anon. is, i love that person and i'm sorry! lisa didn't react that way. i don't know why i did. lack of sleep, i guess, if one must make an excuse. anyway. I'm outspoken. sorry.