Wednesday, June 01, 2005


While I put away merchandise (aka, STUFF) at my job I sometimes have conversations in my head with, yes God, but also Mr. Selles, the store manager. I imagine these. Who knows if I imagine the God ones. Anyway, today I imagined Mr. Selles pointing out that my socks were mismatched. And then I realized that matching my socks is my second to last priority, watching television being my last. And then I made a priority list for myself:

1st: Loving God
2nd: Loving people (like the first... hahaha)
3rd: The campout
4th: Feeding my addictions (caffeine, nicotine, sugar)
5th: Creating (writing, acting, you know, art)
6th: Travelling
7th: Laughing/Conversation (they tie or are intertwined. you pick)
8th: Work/Income (JC Penney's/JET Backstage)
9th: Dale's Tuesday Night Bible Study
10th: Listening to music
11th: Writing Letters
12th: Thinking about politics
13th: Reading/Watching movies or plays
14th: Eating
15th: Calling people back
16th: Emailing people back
17th: My clothes
18th: Showers
19th: Matching my socks
20th: Watching Television

That was fun. try it. Explot the mistakes in mine, if you want...

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