Saturday, March 13, 2004

I cried for the first time in a long time. It was when I read Jenni's words (in a letter from Thailand) "I am praying you are knowing that fullness of peace, even if you don't have a plan for your future. You do have the assurance that your future is great!"

I can't wait till she comes home. I need that assurance. But I got a glimpse of it tonight. You see, I've had a long day at a workshop in which I made a bad choice of monologue. I have made this bad choice before. Boldness over Believability. I need to just trust that who I am, the simple me, is good enough. Is interesting and bold enough. You know, the way he made me. But my theater dreams kind of came to a close today. I guess that's not a bad thing. But I felt like I had no future. And then God reminded me with Jenni's letter, that the glimpses of my great future lie in those times of pure joy in fellowship. When I've found other believers who encourage me to follow Jesus. When we've sat and chatted about what He's done. Those are the glimpses of the future.

After I read Jenni's letter, my friend Ian called and invited me over to eat some pork. That's all he told me. When I got to his house, there were about fifty people over his house eating about fifty courses he and his friend Joe had made: Ribs, Roast Beef, Lamb, Baked chicken, Salmon, barley, corn salad, mashed potatoes, loaves of freshly baked bread, broccoli, couscous, and red beans and rice-there were more that I can't remember. I sat with other believers and laughed and ate. It was a glimpse of heaven. And God gave it to me at the right time. You see, thunderous applause after a show, satisfying auditions, boys revealing their attraction to me, praise from writing teachers--these are all nice, but they don't compare to those moments of deep fellowship--when my friends call me at just the right time and meet my needs like that. I'm being taken care of day by day. Knowing this, I can trust Jesus. And knowing Him is knowing my future is going to be great.

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