Tuesday, March 25, 2003

"Jesus don't mind the blues. You know, he turned water into wine, not wine into water!"
Wendell Holmes of "The Holmes Brothers"

I saw The Holmes Brothers last Thursday, and being the bold person I am, took the liberty of walking backstage and meeting them after the show, to let them know how much they have inspired me to follow Jesus. "You know my Jesus?" the lead singer, Wendell asked me in his wonderful grumble voice.
"Yeah, I know Jesus very well," I told him.
"You're a student here?"
"Sure am"
"In Ann Arbor?"
"Yes. UofM Ann Arbor"
"Hey, she knows Jesus, in Ann Arbor" Wendell tells one of the other guys in the group.
"I didn't know Jesus was in Ann Arbor!" retorted that guy, Popsy Dixon.

Yes. Jesus is in Ann Arbor too, complete with Harry Martin quotes. www.geocities.com/njlimabean. I am basking over with joy to know that the Holmes Brothers are My brothers. Go out and get one of their albums if you want to own the best gospel blues in the world.

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