Friday, June 30, 2006

How to Eat Like a Director (Boh. Imp. Vol. IX)

"Set your mind before the mirror of eternity
and everything will work." ~Franz Wright

I've done it. I've directed a children's show at Park Players. It's called How to Eat Like A Child and it opens tonight. It's made up of lessons for scenes: "How to Wait," "How to Behave at School," "How to Beg for a Dog," etc. It features songs that ask: "Why is no the only thing a parent can express?" and claim: "There ought to be as many ways of saying, 'Yes.'" But best of all, it features 29 hilarious kids that were surprisingly easy-going. I had a great time and the parents are pleased with what they saw at the final dress rehearsal last night. I'm a little sad to let it go, but not really all that sad. I think acting attaches me more to a show than directing... And I've found that directing isn't as stressful as I had anticipated. Maybe because I've had the attitude: "I gave that kid the direction three or four times now. If he doesn't want to listen, it's him that looks bad, not me."

I've also started my job singing around Greenfield Village. Thoughts and reactions to this job are being recorded in what I hope will be a lit nonfiction essay that's currently called "The Henry Ford." I will say this, my faltering patriotism is recieved there with open arms...

I'm also booked to direct a short play for the Pandora's Box Fest this year. Anyone have a name of a good female playwright whose written a short? I'm going to check if there's any short Beth Henleys. We'll see.

I have read all the Harry Potters that are out. I must say that the last one let me down in many ways (not in the obvious ways that the readers of this book might think,) but full opinions of the series will be given after I've read the 7th.

Adios for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has Paula Vogel written any short plays? I lurve her.