Well, Inherit the Wind is so over. I'm glad, though I did have a good time with my foursome--Alec, Ian, Carly and I--who spent the last week writing the afterglow skit. Many hours in my living room. We kept my roomate up too much, I feel bad about that, but the skit was a success. (The afterglow is when the stagehands put on a show to spoof the original.) The theme was about bringing in snacks at rehearsal, since the Park Players have made issues out of that. You have to sign up, etc. And you get in big trouble if you bring in snacks and don't clean up.
I would tell you highlights, but as you can imagine, it's mostly inside jokes for the cast. We did quote one of the finest directorial spewings ever noted by a director in community theater history:
"No guys! It's supposed to be more like sex! More like Sex! The best sex you ever had... except for you kids, for you it's like Christmas."
Also, we had a little girl selling "Hot dogs! lemonade! eskimo pie! birth control!" which was appalling and shamefully hilarious. I shake my head and crack up everytime i think of it.
The actual show ended up being s success critic-wise, i think. I had a darn good time but will not miss saying some of those lines: "A thought is like a child, it has to come out!"
Backstage I read "The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffery Eugenides during my 20 min break during act two (except for those times i chatted away with lisa instead). It was great. I saw the movie last night which I enjoyed as well. But the book was better, of course. It was, I interpretted it as, a commentary on life in Grosse Pte. during the Detroit riot years. It was beautifully written. In the movie, Kirsten Dunst played a real slut. Who knew she could be such a slut?
--Slut is such an ugly word, isn't it?
Also to note, I went to Cleveland last week to tour with I WAS JUST KIDDING. It was uneventful. except one of the schools had a book mobile. It reminded me of when I played Popeye Jackson and had a monologue about a traveling book mobile. There were also little books for the Narnia Movie coming out. It looks like it's going to be pretty and add a lot of unnecessary stuff. Mr. Joel will probably drag me to see it. But I won't say I won't be kicking! At the same time, I get annoyed when people don't like the LOTR movies, because as movies they are great. As books they are better but if the books were taken verbatim and thrown on screen, they would make terrible movies. So, I KNOW they are different avenues of creative expression, but I kind of like the way the characters look in my own head....
Anything else? Happy Thanksgiving, I guess, considering the fact that I probably won't update before then.