Thursday, June 28, 2007


(This post is not about my wife or my mistress, although it's been a long time since I've had a decent conversation with either of them and I'm looking forward to finding some quality time with them. Someday. Some day.)

I've found that I've had to give myself pep-talks lately... here's what the latest one has been like--it comes from some talks I've had with Bose.

We don't always have control who we have connections with. Connections link and sever constantly. The healthiest way to go about these relationships is to pay close attention to the ones we're connected with now--not to think too much about the severed ones... (the ones that dropped you in the basement, alone, which happens to be a nice place to pray for them.)

Who is with you now? Dump God's love all over them. Who is fading out to the background? Distribute love (action of) according to the divine proximities that come about just from being. Simply being, moving on from one phase to the next, is bound to throw different folks your way. You'll grieve over the ones that get pushed into the background but don't spend too many of your thoughts on them. Don't break your arms off trying to touch people just out of your reach. Give your hands to the ones in your reach.

Because no one is out of the Lord's reach. Including yourself. You cannot be out of your Lord's reach.

Even if those who are supposed to be closest to you, your brothers even, even if those who are supposed to be your brothers beat you up and sell you off to be a slave in a foreign land... the Lord is with you.