Saturday, May 29, 2004

Hot Jerks

Hello again, Fair Reader. I hope you don't mind my new settings.I think they are slightly obnoxious, but whatever.

Today I woke up with a runny nose and the sniffles. Runny nose+Sniffles=redundant. Sorry. SO, I have to work from 5 to midnight tonight, that's a seven hour shift. Hopefully Ian and Derek will be working with me. Ian is a guarantee, Derek isn't. Derek is our genuine Jamaican (that phrase actually has alliteration in it.) Working with Derek means my Jamaican accent will improve. It also means that I may be recieving some life advice. Last time he gave me a lecture on why I should wait until I'm 30 to get married. I told told him, with the outlook the way it is right now, that shouldn't be a problem.


I haven't had a cold in what seems a while. But if you were planning on getting the jerk tonight, you may want to wait until the waiter is healthy.

Another side note, my favorite aspect of my job is asking the customers "how hot do you want your jerk?"

How hot do you want YOUR jerk?