So, i haven't mentioned on here yet because I haven't been so certain about it (and if you read this blog, you'll see that my plans change quicker than most...), but I have taken a job teaching/consulting for English in Bangkok. I leave on August 24th. I'll be working in the office at a university research center called the ABAC Poll (of Assumption University). Those of you who know my friend/college roomate Jenni Goad-Piotrowski, it's the same university she worked at back in 2003/04. I will be living in what is called "The ABAC Hotel". I think it's kind of like a dorm with a half kitchen in the rooms, but we'll see.
While I'm there, I might have a bangkok blog. I'll let you know.
There might be a party for me on the 19th. I'm not sure where or when yet. Details about that are coming...
Hope you readers are well,