With Sir John Garrett at the moment. He's waiting for me to fill the "bubble pool" with a hose. It's not even 9am yet, so I am biding time with the old blog.
I feel like every time I update, I have something completely different going on as the last time. Right now I'm trying to get a job teaching overseas and the best candidate is Bangkok, Thailand. But that's the future (November). I'll go into what's going on now.
I completed my second rehearsal with Greenfield Village, and delighfully, my voice doesn't feel that bad (as I had expected.) I am singing too low for my range as an alto. I'm trying not to talk too much today and I had lots of water yesterday, but i feel, like I said, pretty good. Last week at this time I could barely talk. But the voice isn't like a muscle--at least getting lower... It is like a muscle when you sing high (I'm told that you can exercise to make your voice higher) but going too low could do some damage. Thats what my voice teacher said, and the man teaching me the music.
I just cast my first play as a director... I'm directing a childrens show at Park Players called "How to Eat Like A Child." The auditions went great--I've got Mike Fiedler on board as the music director and it's hard to go wrong there. We cast 30 kids. Holy Moses. But some of them were so cute at the auditions that I turned bright red sitting "behind the table." Is there a book somewhere about blushing? It's a weird phenomenon. It can't be helped and it can be triggered by so many things. One kid got up and sang "My Girl" and changed the words a little... I wish I could remember what he said, but he did a little sway as he sang. And another girl did Missy Elliots rap in Ciera's song about moving your body. I nearly fell out of my chair. At the first audition, a girl sang supersonic, which I had no idea that 7 year olds knew about. What can I say, but this show is going to be a trip up the old staircase.
Manny and the Mirror practice starts on Saturday. We're doing one performance for the Michigan Theater Festival.
Anyone have anything ELSE for me to do?
i do -- poetry!
NORA BONNER. holy cow. you popped into my head the other day, and i realized that it's been stinking ages and i have no idea what you're up to. how goes it? it's been fun reading some of your recent stuff and trying to piece together what's going on with you ;)
i'm living in pasadena now, as i think you know, and i'll be home at the end of next month and i would love love love to see you and catch up. let's do that, yeah?
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